Claim Your Free C# Starter Kit
The Starter Kit is available for free for those who have purchased the Getting Started book on Amazon.
Learn More About the Kit
How it Works
Confirm Your Email
Submit the email you want to use to access the Starter Kit using the form below.
Submit Proof of Purchase
Click on the link in your confirmation email from step one and follow the directions to submit your proof of purchase.
Get the Kit
After processing your proof of purchase we will send you an email with access to the full C# Starter Kit
Confirm Your Email
*You must use a valid email address to gain access to the C# Starter Kit. If you already have a course from Tim Corey, use that login email address.
Having problems? View the FAQ below or Email Us
Frequently Asked Questions
What email address should I use?
The email address you select will be your login for the kit’s contents. You will need to click on the confirmation link we send you at that address to verify your account. If you have access to a Tim Corey course, you will want to use the same account as your course purchase so all your content appears in the same profile.
How long does the enrollment process take?
Once you send us the screen capture of your receipt, it can take us up to three business days to complete the enrollment and notify you.
What do I need for 'proof of purchase'?
To verify your purchase, we need a screen capture of your receipt from either your phone, tablet, or desktop. Use the link in the confirmation email to complete the form by providing your Amazon Order Number and uploading the screen capture from the book's purchase.
How do I take a 'screen capture'?
To learn how to take a screenshot on your specific device, please search the internet for directions. If you can't find any other way, try taking a picture of the receipt with your phone and submit it. All pictures must be fully readable by our staff and we will reject any we have trouble reading.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Please reach out to